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There’s a song on the new Steve Miller Country gospel album called “Get Right With God.”

The song was inspired by a an old concrete road side sign shaped like a cross that Steve passes by often in his drives around Middle Tennessee.

Recently a journalist wrote about the devoted Christian man who made it his life’s mission to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ.

Here’s a link to the story and pictures of other signs left behind by the artist, Harrison Mayes.

The extraordinary man single handedly placed over 2000 crosses around the continental U.S., and sent bottles with messages translated into dozens of languages to missionaries in other countries.

The messages read things like “Jesus Saves,” “Jesus Is Coming Soon: Get Ready,” and “Get Right With God.”

Mr. Mayes lived from 1898 to 1986. Some of his work can still be seen today along roadsides and collected in the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, Tennessee.

Read more about Harrison Mayes and see his picture in this article by Jadon Gibson in Claiborne Progress online.

Listen to “Get Right With God” from Steve Miller Country God’s Peaceful Waters album here -

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